Mountain Wetlands Walk

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Iron Springs Trail
Elevation: 150m
Expected time: 4-5 hours
Difficulty: moderate
Learn about beavers, cows, moss, water, and how all of these different organisms interact to modify how water flows through the wetlands.
Join us along the Elbow River for moderately challenging day hike where we will stop and look at different wetland features. Highlights include a montane fen with peatmoss and bog plants, learning about how water shapes forest ecosystems, and a discussion about how beavers and cows impact the water systems of the foothills and mountains in Alberta. Oh, and did we mention the glorious fall colours?
Our field expert will be Isaac Peetoom Heida, a PhD student with a background in plant ecology. He has experience all over Alberta. Currently he is the project coordinator for, a website that helps to increase awareness about how the Canadian Rockies are changing in response to human activity and climate change.
Isaac Peetoom HeidaFundraising Goal
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